Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I don't like it when ...

* ... people don't pronounce H's at the beginning of words. "Yooston" instead of "Houston". "Yuge" instead of "Huge". You get it. I think it's the people from the midwest who do this. * ... news anchor people are perky before I've had my coffee. I have my coffee at 6:20ish a.m. Is it so hard to just postpone the perkiness for an hour? Come on, people. * ... people don't fill out the address forwarding card when they move so the post office will have permission to redirect the mail that's sent to their old address, aka, my current address. Ms. Benescoma, I'm talking to you. Ditto, Mr. Iverson. I can't even do anything about it. I've written "return to sender", "not at this address", etc. I keep getting their mail. Don't they notice they aren't getting any bank statements?! * ... I wake up an hour before my alarm will go off and can't fall back asleep until ten minutes before the alarm does finally go off. This is why I couldn't stop yawning this afternoon at work. It was that kind of sleepy where your head wobbles and you startle yourself when you realize you're supposed to have control of your head.

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