Breaking news - are you ready? Americans are overweight. I know, shocking. A government-funded study predicts that everyone will be fat within 40 years.
Let's take this with a grain of salt, please.
#1. This study was published in a medical journal called "Obesity". Clearly, they're a little obsessed and probably prone to exaggerate. Maybe they should go for a walk and clear their heads.
#2. Dr. Liang acknowledges that this is "really intended as a wake-up call". She admits that it's a scare tactic? Nice.
In other food news, en la France, taxes will likely be imposed on fatty foods. Now that's just not nice. All of French food is fatty! What will they eat?
How can the above two stories be newsworthy when we've got a story about how cancer chemicals are being REDUCED in chips and fries?! Pardon? I guess there's this chemical, acrylamide, that naturally occurs when you fry a starchy food. It causes cancer in lab rats. Check out this nice quote:
"Everybody's trying to figure out how to lower levels (of acrylamide) without significantly, adversely affecting taste," said Michele Corish, an attorney for Lance, which produces Cape Cod chips.
Oh, so what ... cancer tastes yummy? Couldn't we just nix the cancer altogether and just be done with it? I'm pretty sure that would make us all happier. I can't imagine that acrylamide makes a potato taste more like a potato, which is what we all expect when we eat a potato, no?
What I really want to know now is this: is this cancer story intended as a wake-up call, too? We should all stop eating potatoes in any fried form?

I guess it's one small step to save us from our impending communal fatness - no, I mean obesity.
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