Okay, so I've copied and pasted the lyrics (from my handy dandy iTunes widget that fetches lyrics for me) for the verses from the song "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" by Cake. (anybody need a back-up singer for the game Don't Forget the Lyrics?!)
Can I just say ... I want this girl too?! She is awesome. Except for maybe the burning eyes part. I don't want my eyes to burn like cigarettes. (stop smoking right now if you do!!! it's disgusting pleaseexcusemewhileivomitatthethoughtofanyonesmoking)
A mind like a diamond - a girl who knows what's best? Yes, please.
The right allocations? Fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack? Yes, please. Especially in this economic climate. Where has my 401(k) gone?!
Uninterrupted prosperity? Yes, Yes, Please!
Here's the part that gets me, though. "A voice that is dark like tinted glass".
This isn't a girl. This is a woman. Now, I'm the first to admit that I'm guilty of calling everyone a guy or girl regardless of age. (4, 40, 400, I almost always just say "girl".) But, I think I'm finally going to stop that. I just turned 29, and I should try to embrace maturity. I'm a woman already by some standards (legal, I guess since I'm over 18. Fine, so make it by ONE standard.) But nobody really refers to me as a woman. Young lady, young woman, fine. I have a baby face, so people don't even think I'm over 25 usually. And to old people, 25 is young. Getting married changed me from a Ms. to a Mrs., which made me feel a little womanly. But, how often do I need to use the Mrs.? Hardly at all! (not that I'm complaining. I don't really like Mrs. ick. it sounds old. and frumpy. kind of like 29 sounds.)
So, no wonder I feel empowered whenever I hear this song on my Genius playlist. I want to be a woman who cuts through red tape and picks up slack. I want to be a woman who can handle it all and still fiddle with my hair and be girly in a womanly way.
Maybe what I need is a briefcase and a new suit. Ixnay the briefcase. I just got a new Nine West bag. Maybe just a new pair of heels and a blazer. Yes. This feels right.