I love this video. She makes me want to dust off my guitar and beg le husband to tune it for me so I can learn this song. :) She's a whole band all by herself. If she can do it, who can't? Amazing.
People have a hard time picturing a dog using a litter box and they always laugh when I tell them about how my dog does just that. So, here he is! I hope he doesn't mind that he's on the internet doing his business. He looks pretty proud.
What is up with this dog? I thought The Dudle used to be a crazy dog (until he got older and calmed down finally), but this dog is weird. Too funny. Dogs rock.
After high school, I moved to Virginia, and my BFF stayed in Texas. We don't see each other much, but we talk on the phone and chat online regularly. We laugh a lot. Good times.